Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bandit on the Railroad

Chapter 2

All Aboard!
It felt like hours before the train finally came. Clara could see it's huge black shape coming swiftly towards them. Clara had two cover her ears it was so loud! The whistle blue louder then the chugging and when it screeched to a stop Clara thought her ears would burst! Clara, Lizzy and Mary were hurrying to pack up and get there tickets. They couldn't believe they were packed up in time when the conductor shouted ALL ABOARD! the trio scrambled to there feet and gave the conductor there tickets. The conductor helped them step on board. When they got on the first person they saw was a tall thin man with bushy blond whiskers in a fine suit with a gold watch dangling from a chain in his pocket. He walked over and with a smiling face said " Why hello. You girls look a little bit young to be traveling alone." " Hello to you sir. Our mother sent us away to live with my aunt and uncle because of the air raids." said Clara. " Ah, I see. It must be hard for you to leave home.'' said the man. Mary then said " If you don't mind me asking sir what is your name? " " Ah." said the man " An important question. I'm J. W. Greenway. And may I ask the names of such lovely young ladies?" " I'm Clara Wallace this is my younger sister Elizabeth Wallace and my cousin Mary Smith." said Clara. " Well." said Mr. Greenway. " I have had such a pleasure being acquainted with such fine young ladies would you like me to show you to the sleeper car? I'm sure that when we get there someone will tell you which room you're staying in." " Yes please thank you sir!" Mary said. Then mr. Greenway said " Well then take my arm and we'll be on our way." Clara and Mary walked on either side of mr. Greenway and Lizzy took Clara's arm.
The four of them walked down the hall together when they finally came to the sleeping car. It was long and very narrow because there were rooms on the other side" Well this is it!" said mr. Greenway. " Look. there's the conductor he will tell you which room you are sleeping. Well I wish I could stay and talk longer but I need to be doing some things and you need to get unpacked and settled. Farewell. I'll see you at supper time." " Thank you again for your help!" said Mary. " Yes thank you!" said Clara. Then Lizzy said softly " Thank you. "
Mr. Greenway tipped his hat and walked away. The conductor was there so Clara asked him which room they were in " excuse me sir but will you show us which room we are in?" the short plump man who was the conductor turned around to face them. He had grey hair that stuck out from under his hat he had a mustache that covered his top lip and kind looking eyes peeked out from behind a pair of spectacles that were sliding down his nose. " well hello young ladies" the conductor said," your room is number forty five." "thank you sir." Clara responded. The conductor handed them the keys to the room. The trio went in there room and started unpacking. "Mr. Greenway is very nice." Mary said. " And the conductor seems nice too." Clara answered back. After they unpacked Mary said " well we better freshen up for dinner. We don't want to go into the dining car looking like ragamuffins."Clara said " Oh Mary you sound just like your mother!" At this Mary's smiling playful face turned sad she walked over to the sink without speaking to anyone. " I'm sorry Mary I didn't mean to make you feel bad!" "It's all right Clara I know you didn't its just that I miss them so much!" " I know Mary I would feel awful to if I knew my parents were never coming ba.." Clara cut herself off. She knew it would only make Mary feel worse if she said that. Instead she said " well lets wash up for dinner."

1 comment:

  1. Oh Alyssa! You must be so proud of your efforts and how well your many hours of reading have aided in you telling a wonderfully detailed story! This is very enjoyable. I especially appreciated the part about the ragamuffin and they insight you displayed in that her feeling weren't as hurt as much as she was just reminded of missing her mom. Well done!
