Friday, September 30, 2016

Bandit on the Railroad

Chapter 1

Saying Goodbye
It was a windy autumn morning when ten year old Clara Wallace sat in the automobile on her way to the train station with her five year old sister Elizabeth and her cousin Marry who was the same age.
Clara's red springy hair bounced on her back. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day but Clara didn't care or notice. The thought of leaving her mother in London and going to live in the country was sitting in her mind like a grey raincloud on a stormy day.
It was the hight of World War II and the German Nazis were bombing London and other big cities in England. Clara's older brother James and her father were fighting in the war in the Royal Navy. Clara's parents were sending them to live in the countryside with her aunt Lydia and uncle Charles. She loved visiting her aunt and uncle but her parents always went with them. Clara felt her world was falling apart. She already had to say goodbye to her brother  and father not knowing if she would see them again and now she would have to say goodbye to her mother to! She was thinking about how her cousin Mary must feel. Mary had come to live with them last year when her parents were killed in an air raid.
Before Clara knew it she could see the dark gloomy shape of the train station in front her. She could see her little sister Lizzy fighting back tears. Clara was trying not to cry herself! Mother parked the automobile and got the luggage out of the back then helped the girls out of the automobile. Mother hugged Lizzy who was now crying  then mother walked over to Mary and hugged her and said something to her then walked over to Clara. Clara was crying now. Mother said " don't cry dear. Before you know it the war will be over and you'll come home to London." " But thats what I'm worried about!' said Clara. " What if I don't come home! What if you are kill.." " Clara don't say such things!'' said mother. " Why can't you come with me!'' Clara said. " Now Clara." said mother in a stern voice. " you know why we can't Clarie. We're needed here."said mother " But I need you!" " Clara here are your train tickets.'' said mother " and here are the lunches I packed you. Take care of Elizabeth and listen to Mary's advice. Make sure you bundle up so you don't catch cold." Then mother hugged her one last time and got in the automobile and drove away. Everyone was shouting farewells and goodbyes while everyone was waving. At last when the automobile was out of sight they went inside.
 The trio sat on a bench next to the train tracks. Clara felt empty and cold inside. She was saying in her mind " I miss them I miss them " over and over again in her mind. No one said anything as they ate there lunches. 

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