Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Three Little Pigs

                                                          The Three Little Pigs
                                                                           by Alyssa Bengtson
Once upon a time there were three little pigs. There names were Jiggles, Wiggles, and Snorts. They lived with there mother in a cottage in the woods. One day the mother pig said" it is time for you to go off on your own, heres some money for each of you and... watch out for the big bad wolf." She handed $10.99 each. " Thank you mother!" said Jiggles." Thank you mother!" said Wiggles. " Thank you mother!" said Snorts.  "We will all try to be wise little pigs and watch out for the big bad wolf." Then they all went off on there way. Pretty soon Jiggles said
" I'm home sick." Then Wiggles said" yah I miss mommy!" " It will be okay." said Snorts" mom will visit us."  " When?" said Jiggles. " I don't no!" said Snorts. Then Wiggles said" THEN HOW DO YOU KNOW SHE'LL COME AT ALL?!" " HE DOESN'T KNOW HE TOLD YOU THAT ALL READY!" said Jiggles. Then Snorts said" I didn't say I don't know I have a pretty good feeling that mom will visit us soon I just don't know when." Then they came to a market. Wiggles said" let's go use our money on stuff to build a house to live in!" Then Jiggles and Snorts said" OK!" Then Jiggles went and saw a man selling straw. " I'll by this straw" said Jiggles. "It only costs $1.10. I'll still have money left to buy a TOY!" So Jiggles bought the straw. Then Wiggles went and saw a man selling sticks. " I'll buy these sticks" he said "It only costs $3.15 that way I'll still have money to buy CANDY." So Wiggles bought the sticks. Then Snorts went and saw a man selling bricks. " I'll buy these bricks" said Snorts. "It will cost all $10.99 that mother gave me but Those bricks will make a strong house." So Snorts bought the bricks. When Jiggles finished his house he went inside he was pleased with himself. Then he saw the Big Bad Wolf walking down the path to his house. Then he quickly locked the door. When the Big Bad Wolf got to the front door he said " little pig little pig let me in." Then Jiggles said " NOT BY THE HAIR OF MY CHINNY CHIN CHIN!" Then The wolf said " THEN I'LL HUFF AND I'LL PUFF AND I'LL BLOW YOUR HOUSE DOWN! Then the wolf started huffing and puffing and blew Jiggles house down. Then Jiggles ran to his sisters house. They played games together and giggled and talked, until Wiggles saw the Big Bad Wolf coming down her walkway. She locked the door. When the Big Bad Wolf got to the door, he said, " little pigs little pigs let me in." then they said, " NOT BY THE HAIR OF OUR CHINNY CHIN CHIN!" Then the wolf said, " THEN I'LL HUFF AND I'LL PUFF AND I'LL BLOW YOUR HOUSE DOWN! then the wolf huffed  and he puffed and he blew the house down! Then they ran to there brothers house. Snorts was cooking supper. They watched TV and played games, they had a fun time until... the Big Bad Wolf came knocking at the door. Then the wolf said, " little pigs little pigs let me in. Then the pigs said," NOT BY THE HAIR OF OUR CHINNY CHIN CHIN!" Then the wolf said, " THEN I'LL HUFF AND I'LL PUFF AND I'LL BLOW YOUR HOUSE DOWN!" So the wolf started Huffing and PUFFING... but he could not blow the house down. But he huffed and puffed twice as hard, until... he lay splat on the ground panting for breath. But then he looked up and saw the chimney. He got up and started climbing the house to get to the chimney. Wiggles saw the wolf coming. " Snorts the Big Bad Wolf is climbing the house to get to the chimney!" said Wiggles. Then Snorts said, " I have a idea!" Snorts quickly went over to the chimney and took the lid off the boiling hot soup, right when the wolf came down the chimney. He landed right splat in the hot soup. And that was the end of the wolf. The three little pigs jigged for joy, because they new that they would never see our hear from the Big Bad Wolf again. The pigs  lived happily ever after in snorts house.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

American Girl Doll's New House

January 23, 2015
Last night I made a house for my American Girl dolls. Now they have two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a laundry room, a club house, and a stable for Sadie their horse. My doll Caroline's bed is in the dormer window area of my room. The kitchen is in the left corner of my room. The bunk bed  is to the right of Caroline's room. Kirsten sleeps on the top bunk, Olivia sleeps on the bottom bunk, and Samantha sleeps in a trundle bed. The living room is to the left of Caroline's room. The living room has a couch and a matching chair, the design is brown leopard print with pink roses. The laundry room is in the right corner. Each of my American Girl dolls has a kitten and a hamster. Kirsten's kitten's name is Tiger, Caroline's kitten's name is Browny, Olivia's kittens name is Duchess, and Samantha's kitten's name is Flower. The hamster's names are... Oreo, Muddy cupcake, Lemon square,  and Chocolate cookie dough. Kirsten has a puppy named Sunny and a dog named Jack. And thats my American Girl doll's house. Good day!

                                                       this is the kitchen 

                                                      this is Caroline's bedroom 

                                                     this is the stable

Friday, January 23, 2015

Seven AM Siren

January 21, 2015
Today I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, seven AM I herd a loud siren going off! I covered my ears and then hid under the covers. I started thinking..."has there been a robbery?" "Is there a fire?" My heart was pounding with fear! I went downstairs. My Mom was there. She told me what happened... The other night one of my Mom's friends said, since Dad was at work, Mom should turn on the alarm. So if anyone opened the door the siren would start. Well, the next day Mom woke up and went to take Tchai out without turning off the alarm, and off went the siren!

Here are Tchai and I snoozing after the very, very early wake up call.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Alyssa's Day

January 20, 2015
Today I woke up and went downstairs and had a breakfast of granola cereal and some water kefir then I did my early bird math and music theory. After that I just hung around the house a bit. Then I got on a cute outfit and went outside and played soccer with Tchai. When I came back in it was time to go to the dentist. So I got in the car. Thankfully all Dr. Smith did was adjust the wire on my appliance. When he was finished I went to my Meme's house. Then we went to Hollywood Feed and got Tchai some new toys. Then I went to aunt Deet's house. I saw Frodo. He got on my lap so I stroked his fur then he started going puuuur.   When we went back home it was time for dinner.  Mom and I had a taco for dinner.  Then we gave Tchai his dinner. After Tchai had his dinner we let him out to go potty. Then Tchai settled down  behind the couch.  Now I'm sitting on the couch writing in my Blog.  Mom is playing on her phone. And Tchai is sleeping and snoring behind the couch. Good Night!

Monday, January 19, 2015

birthday party

 January 19, 2015
Today was my friend's birthday party. On the way to the party something exciting happened. When we left our driveway we saw a real live female deer running scared in our neighborhood! But it was really sad because she didn't have a home.  When we got to the party they had snacks. They had a bowl of jellybeans, a tray of chocolate balls, and a tray of rice crispy treats. We brought three costumes each to the party. The theme was a photo shoot. My three costumes were a cowgirl, a genie, and a butterfly fairy. First we dressed in our costume and we got to spin and jump and twirl as the photographer took our pictures.  My mom's favorite picture was of everyone all piled together on a white fur bean bag chair. We all held hands and spun and laughed until we were dizzy. My favorite part was watching Faire open all her wonderful gifts. Lily gave her a really cool Barbie that you could change the color of Barbie's hair! I gave Faire a Rebel's Bow.  Her parents gave her gymnastics equipment for her American Girl doll. I'm hoping to someday get that myself!
When we got home I got on some play clothes and got a soccer ball and took my puppy Tchai out in the back yard and played soccer with him. When I came in I noticed I had three splinters, two on my wrist and one on my thumb. So to get my mind off of it I watched some of my favorite TV shows like Fat Albert, The Andy Griffith Show, and The Magic School Bus. Then we had dinner. I wasn't very hungry so all I had was some yogurt, pineapple, and a piece of bread. Then I made a math test on the computer for my Dad who got 100%. Now I'm just sitting on the couch writing in my blog. Good Night!

Mermaid Party