Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentines Party

February 12, 2015

This Saturday is Valentine's Day. To celebrate I'm throwing a Valentine's Tea Party. We're going to have a wacky cake, brownies, and heart shaped sugar cookies. I have hearts hanging all around the kitchen. The last couple of days I've been making Valentine's cards for everyone. I hope you'll have fun at my party!                                                                                                                   
Love,                                                                                                     Psalm 37:4
Alyssa                                                                                                  Delight yourself in the Lord and 
XOXOXOXO                                                                                       he shall give you the desires of 
                                                                                                            your heart.


January 30, 2015

Hibernating Vital Statists of the Groundhog                      
Heart Beat - 4 beats per minute,
Body Temperature - 38 degrees almost as cold as ice,
Breathing Speed - 1 breath every 6 minutes.

The Real Reason Groundhogs Come Out of There Burrows at the End of Winter

The groundhog dose not come out of his burrow to check the weather, it's just a tall tale that if a groundhog comes out of his burrow and sees his shadow he'll get scared and run back in his burrow and that means that there will be six more weeks of winter.  Or if he does not see his shadow then spring will be here soon. Actually male ground hogs wake up at the end of winter to look for female groundhogs.
A groundhogs burrow is very fancy. It has an entrance leading to a very steep path. Then there's a hole and the floor of the hole is the hibernating room. Fun Fact - groundhogs wall themselves in their hibernating room when they are hibernating because they are asleep and defenseless. After the hibernating room you keep going on the path until there is a tunnel leading up. Then you come to a room where they sleep when they are not hibernating. Fun fact, groundhogs build escape exits in case of a predator invasion.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Going to my Sisters Art School

Yesterday I went to my sister Shelby's art school with my Mom. It was a 3 hour drive. 

On the way there we had a pitstop at the Nightingale's Pantry. When we got there we met Shelby at her art school. 

When we went into her room I saw a potter's wheel. Shelby made a Chinese teacup with the design of a bald cypress tree in it. 

I got to see a wood shop, and a big container full of clay. We had a smoothie  at the Grateful Garden. Then we had lunch at some place that had a pig theme that I can't remember the name of. 

Then after that we hung around the art school for a few hours. 

Then we went to Shelby's house. I saw Ziva, Sage, and Mojo. Then Shelby and Ziva came back home with us!